Submitted : 31.05.2017
Accepted : 21.07.2017
Published: 21.07.2017
Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome (RHS) is an infectious cranial neuropathy due to reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the geniculate ganglion. In this case report, we present 2 cases of RHS with unilateral facial palsy, herpetic vesicles on the auricle and multiple cranial nerve involvement treated with intravenous and oral corticosteroids, antiviral agents and antibiotics. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment, as well as accompanying comorbidities are the primary factors associated with the prognosis of RHS.
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
, multineuropathy
, herpes zoster oticus
Ramsay-Hunt Sendromu (RHS) varisella zoster virüsün genikülat ganglionda reaktivasyonuna bağlı gelişen enfeksiyöz bir kranial nöropatidir. Bu olgu sunumunda tek taraflı fasiyal paralizi, aurikülada herpetik veziküller ve multipl kraniyal sinir tutulumu olup oral ve intravenöz kortikosteroid, antiviral ve antibiyotik tedavisi alan 2 adet RHS vakası sunulmuştur. Erken tanı ve tedavi ile eşlik eden komorbiditeler RHS prognozunu belirleyen en önemli etkenlerdir.
Anahtar kelimeler:
Ramsay-Hunt sendromu
, multinöropati
, herpes zoster otikus